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In review/preparation

Komatsu and Hotta et al. The decrease in decayed dead wood caused by past salvage logging is the limiting factor of Picea regeneration in the long term: A field-based analysis. (submitted on 2023/01/13)

Hotta et al. Modeling the forest recovery after shallow landslides by using a forest landscape model: incorporating topographic factors into the establishment calculation. (in prep.)

Peer-Reviewed Articles

9.    Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Yanai, S., Uchida, Y., Nakamura, F. (2024) Environmental heterogeneity on landslide slopes affects the long-term recoveries of forest ecosystem components.
CATENA 234: 107578.   Link

8.    Hotta, W., Haga, C., Morimoto, J., Suzuki, S.N., Matsui, T., Owari, T., Shibata, H., Nakamura, F. (2023) Leaving disturbance legacies conserves boreal conifers and maximizes net CO2 absorption under climate change and more frequent and larger windthrow regimes.

Landscape Ecology 38 (7): 1785-1805.  Link (Preprint in Research Square:

7.    Haga, C., Maeda, M., Hotta, W., Matsui, T., Morimoto, J., Shibata, H., Hashimoto, S., Saito, O., Okayasu, S., Kim, H., Peterson, G. (2023) Modeling desirable futures at local scale by combining the nature futures framework and multi-objective optimization. 

Sustainability Science    Link

6.    Li, J.,  Morimoto, J., Hotta, W., Suzuki, S.N., Owari, T., Toyoshima, M., Nakamura, F. (2023) The 30-year impact of post-windthrow management on the forest regeneration process in northern Japan. 

Landscape and Ecological Engineering 19: 227–242.    Link (Open access)

5.    Haga, C., Hotta, W., Inoue, T., Matsui, T., Aiba, M., Owari, T., Suzuki, S.N., Shibata, H., Morimoto, J. (2022)  Modeling tree recovery in wind-disturbed forests with dense understory species under climate change.

Ecological Modelling 472: 110072. Link

4.    Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Haga, C., Suzuki, S.N., Inoue, T., Matsui, T., Owari, T., Shibata, H., Nakamura, F. (2021) Long-term cumulative impacts of windthrow and subsequent management on tree species composition and aboveground biomass: A simulation study considering regeneration on downed logs. 

Forest Ecology and Management 502: 119728.     Link

3. Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Inoue, T., Suzuki, S.N., Umebayashi, T., Owari, T., Shibata, H., Ishibashi, S., Hara, T., Nakamura, F. (2020) Recovery and allocation of carbon stocks in boreal forests 64 years after catastrophic windthrow and salvage logging in northern Japan. 
Forest Ecology and Management
468: 118169. Link

2. Haga, C., Maeda, M., Hotta, W., Inoue, T., Matsui, T., Machimura, T., Nakaoka, M., Morimoto, J., Shibata, H., Hashimoto, S., Saito, O. (2020) Scenario Analysis of Renewable Energy–Biodiversity Nexuses using a Forest Landscape Model.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8: 155. Link (Open access)

1. Haga, C., Inoue, T., Hotta, W., Shibata, R., Hashimoto, S., Kurokawa, H., Machimura, T., Matsui, T., Morimoto, J., Shibata, H. (2019) Simulation of natural capital and ecosystem services in a watershed in Northern Japan focusing on the future underuse of nature: by linking forest landscape model and social scenarios.
Sustainability Science 14: 89–106. Link

Forest Landscape Model User guide

1. Scheller, R.M., Lucash, M.S., Kletchun, A., Henne, P., Haga, C., Hotta, W. (2021) LANDIS-II NECN Succession v6.7 Extension User Guide.  Link

Non Peer-Reviewed Articles

2. 芳賀智宏, 堀田亘, 森本淳子, 松井孝典 (2021) 「オンライン公開セミナー:Managing Landscapes for Climate Change (気候変動に向けた景観管理)」開催報告. 景観生態学 26(2): 107-111.

1. 堀田亘 (2021) 大規模風倒撹乱後の倒木搬出が北方林の炭素蓄積の回復に与える長期的影響. 北方林業 72(2): 34-37.

​Conference Proceedings (International Conference)

7.    Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Haga, C., Nakamura, F. Spatially explicit modeling of forest recovery after shallow landslides.
The 11th International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) World Congress, Nairobi, Kenya, 2023.07. (Oral)

6. Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Haga, C., Yanai, S., Nakamura, F. Evaluation of long-term dynamics of carbon stocks and tree species composition following shallow landslides using field surveys and landscape simulations. 

Forest Disturbance and Ecosystem Dynamics Symposium 2022, Berchtesgaden National Park, Germany, 2022.09. (Poster)

5.    Haga, C., Hotta, W., Inoue, T., Matsui, T., Aiba, M., Owari, T., Suzuki, S.N., Mishima, Y., Morimoto, J., Shibata, H. What are robust post-windthrow managements for forest recovery under the future climate change?
Global Land Programme (GLP) Asia Conference 2021, Sapporo, Japan, 2021.09. (Oral) 

4.    Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Haga, C., Inoue, T., Matsui, T., Suzuki, S., Owari, T., Shibata, H., Nakamura, F. What is the optimal post-windthrow management to constitute higher resilient forest landscape?: Focusing on tree species composition and carbon balance.
Global Land Programme (GLP) Asia Conference 2021, Sapporo, Japan, 2021.09. (Oral) 

3. Hotta, W., Haga, C., Inoue, T., Morimoto, J., Matsui, T., Suzuki, S., Owari, T., Shibata, H., Nakamura, F. Simulating the long-term impacts of salvage logging following windthrow on carbon stock and species composition in northern Japan.
Ecological society of America 2020 Annual meeting, #88584, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2020.08. (Poster)

2. Haga, C., Hotta, W., Morimoto, J., Owari, T., Inoue, T., Shibata, H., Aiba, M., Matsui, T. Simulation of recovery of above-ground biomass after windthrow damage under future climate change.
Ecological society of America 2020 Annual meeting, #88501, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 2020.08. (Poster)

1. Morimoto, J., Komatsu, H., Hotta, W., Suzuki, S., Owari, T. The effects of catastrophic wind disturbance and subsequent salvage logging in a boreal forest on the species composition of seedlings, juveniles, and adults are still apparent more than 50 years after the event.
The 10th Annual International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE) World Congress, P0171, Milan, Italy, 2019.07. (Poster)

​Organized Sessions (International Conference)

1. Haga, C., Hotta, W., Morimoto, J. SS05: Assessing the Resilience and Its Application to the Ecosystem Management in Forest Landscape. Global Land Programme (GLP) Asia Conference 2021, Sapporo, Japan, 2021.09.

​Conference Proceedings (Domestic Conference)

10. 堀田亘. Recovery and allocation of carbon stocks in boreal forests 64 years after catastrophic windthrow and salvage logging in northern Japan. 第134回日本森林学会大会, とりぎん文化会館(オンライン), 2023.03. (口頭発表/学生奨励賞受賞講演)

9.   堀田亘, 芳賀智宏, 森本淳子, 中村太士. 森林景観モデルを用いた表層崩壊後の長期的な森林回復のシミュレーション評価. 第70回日本生態学会大会, F02-12, 仙台国際センター(オンライン), 2023.03. (口頭発表)

8. 堀田亘, 森本淳子, 柳井清治, 中村太士. 冷温帯林における表層崩壊後の長期的な森林回復―種組成と炭素蓄積に着目して―. 第69回⽇本生態学会⼤会, D02-02, 福岡国際会議場(オンライン), 2022.03. (口頭発表)

7. 堀田亘, 芳賀智宏, 森本淳子, 井上貴央, 鈴木智之, 松井孝典, 尾張敏章, 柴田英昭, 中村太士. 気候変動下で風倒後の管理が北方林の種組成に及ぼす長期的影響. 第132回日本森林学会大会, H5, 東京農工大学(オンライン), 2021.03. (口頭発表)

6. 堀田亘, 芳賀智宏, 森本淳子, 井上貴央, 鈴木智之, 松井孝典, 尾張敏章, 柴田英昭, 中村太士. 気候変動下で風倒後の管理が北方林の炭素収支に及ぼす長期的影響. 第68回日本生態学会大会, P1-394, 岡山大学(オンライン), 2021.03. (ポスター発表)

5. 堀田亘, 森本淳子, 芳賀智宏, 松井孝典, 鈴木智之, 尾張敏章, 中村太士. 風倒後の倒木搬出が北方林の炭素収支に及ぼす影響―現在気候下でのシミュレーション―. 第67回日本生態学会大会, P1-PC-424,  名城大学, 2020.03. (ポスター発表)

4. 芳賀智宏, 堀田亘, 森本淳子, 尾張敏章, 井上貴央, 柴田英昭, 饗庭正寛, 松井孝典. 道南地域での風倒後の森林バイオマス回復過程への気候変動影響の数値シミュレーション, 第67回日本生態学会大会, P2-PC-220, 名城大学, 2020.03. (ポスター発表)

3. 堀田亘, 森本淳子, 井上貴央, 鈴木智之, 梅林利弘, 尾張敏章, 柴田英昭, 石橋聰, 原登志彦, 中村太士. 大規模風倒撹乱とその後の施業が北方林の炭素蓄積に及ぼす長期的影響. 第130回日本森林学会大会, P1-125, 朱鷺メッセ 新潟コンベンションセンター, 2019.03. (ポスター発表)

2. 芳賀智宏, 井上貴央, 堀田亘, 町村尚, 松井孝典, 森本淳子, 柴田英昭. 自然資本・生態系サービス評価のための森林景観モデルを用いたシナリオ分析手法の開発と課題. 第65回日本生態学会大会, P2-134, 札幌コンベンションセンター, 2018.03. (ポスター発表)

1. 森本淳子, 梅林利弘, 堀田亘, 鈴木智之, 尾張敏章, 井上貴央, 柴田英昭, 渋谷正人, 石橋聰. 大規模風倒かく乱後の風倒木搬出が森林の炭素蓄積に与える長期的影響. 第65回日本生態学会大会, P3-222, 札幌コンベンションセンター, 2018.03. (ポスター発表)



 (代表, 2021-2024年)

・北海道大学札幌農学同窓会 大学院学生海外渡航助成(代表, 2020年)



​Reviewed Journal




 風倒後の倒木搬出が北方林の炭素蓄積に及ぼす長期的影響. 毎木コミュニティMaibo 第4回毎木セミナー. 2020.11.

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